legal notices

The website is published by RESTAURANT L'ESCALADOU, a company with capital of €6,000, registered in the Tarascon Trade and Companies Register under number 534206370, with its head office at 23 Rue Porte de Laure, 13200 Arles.

Intracommunity VAT number: FR6053 4206 370

Director of the publication: Marina Cholvy, Manager of the restaurant l'Escaladou, contactable at 06 51 50 95 11 or at

The site is hosted by HOSTINGER INTERNATIONAL LTD, 61 Lordou Vironos Street, 6023 Larnaca, Cyprus. Information regarding the collection and processing of personal data (policy and statement) is provided in the personal data policy of the site.

All rights reserved - April 15, 2023